you can break

the cycle

of parenting trauma

Parent with more connection and less stress

you can break

the cycle

of parenting trauma

Parent with more connection and less stress

Parenting is HARD.

It’s on the job training without a manual.

When your toddler is having a meltdown in Target or your teen stomps off and slams the door, you will usually react based on how you saw your parents handle things.

If you experienced trauma as a child or didn’t have a positive role model, you may only know the type of parent you don’t want to be.

It takes courage to admit that you don’t know what you don’t know about parenting.

One day it happens - you say something in anger and you realize ...

“I sound just like my mother.

I swore I’d never say that to my kids”.

How did that happen? You know and want to do better, but the old programming got turned on. 

That’s not your fault, it’s literally the way your brain was wired.

The good news is that we can change that wiring!

How did that happen? You know and want to do better, but the old programming got turned on. 

That’s not your fault, it’s literally the way your brain was wired. The good news is that we can change that wiring!

Your history is not your destiny

“Trauma is not what happens to you, it is what happens inside of you as a result of what happens to you”

- Gabor MatÉ, MD

“Trauma is not what happens to you, it is what happens inside of you as a result of what happens to you”

- Gabor MatÉ, MD

Parent with more LOVE and less stress

We are not trying to train your child to behave,

we are working on changing on how you show up as a parent.

When you feel like you are about to lose your cool, there’s likely something triggering a strong emotional reaction in your subconscious…

and things go downhill from there ↓↓↓

What if INSTEAD →→→

You learned how to realize

what was triggering you.

Then you can walk into the same situation with a level head and choose how to respond while helping your child learn to regulate their emotions.

…and while not happy about the boundary you set, your kid feels seen and understood

If demanding compliance from your child doesn’t feel right in your heart, then... let’s get curious about a way that’s more aligned for you.

Parent with more LOVE and less stress

We are not trying to train your child to behave, we are working on changing on how you show up as a parent.

When you feel like you are about to lose your cool, there’s likely something triggering a strong emotional reaction in your subconscious…

and things go downhill from there ↓↓↓

What if INSTEAD →→→

You learned how to realize

what was triggering you.

Then you can walk into the same situation with a level head and choose how to respond while helping your child learn to regulate their emotions.

…and while not happy about the boundary you set, your kid feels seen and understood

If demanding compliance from your child doesn’t feel right in your heart, then... let’s get curious about a way that’s more aligned for you.

Meet Dr. Juli

The most important job of a parent is keeping their kids safe, both emotionally and physically. For many, it’s on-the-job training without a playbook. For those with a personal history of childhood trauma, that playbook may only consist of a list of what they’ve vowed not to repeat.

Hello! My name is Juli O’Laughlin. I am a Minneapolis based pediatrician who has spent over 20 years helping families with parenting concerns across all developmental ages and stages. I have personal and professional experience working with kids who are deeply feeling, neurodivergent, and LGBTQ+.

I am a parent to two young adults and a survivor of childhood trauma. I understand the stigma and shame that can come with admitting your trauma history, and I know the cost of pretending it won’t impact your relationship with your kids. I have dealt with the activation of my own trauma while parenting, and I know the paralyzing fear that comes with the thought that you might - even once - repeat the harmful words or actions that you experienced.

I became a pediatrician to advocate for kids - to be the voice for those who are most vulnerable. Throughout my 20 years of clinical practice, I have obtained a unique combination of training focused on also supporting the needs of parents with a history of childhood trauma. In addition to my medical degree, I am a certified parent coach through the Jai Institute and have Trauma Mitigation training through Lodestar Executive Coaching. 

I look forward to working with you and your family.

Authentic Parenting

with Dr. Juli

12 week Authentic Parenting Program

... includes 10 video modules, & 12 group coaching sessions, & 6 private coaching sessions

Learn to recognize and understand your triggers, which will give you the power to choose how to respond to a situation rather than react based on old patterns of behavior.

Your family will develop better communication around emotions and how to regulate them.

Make empowered changes

to how you show up as a parent


emotional and

relational safety

Understand how you

show up for yourself in

times of stress

Learn to self-regulate so

you can be fully present as

a safe base for your kids

Learn how to parent

from your values rather

than the need to control

Implement parenting tools based in the most current models of child development:

  • Attachment science

  • Neuroscience

  • Age-related milestones of emotional development

Improve your ability to:

  • Emotionally attune with your child

  • Hold space for your child’s big feelings during times of stress

  • Set and hold boundaries based in your values


inside authentic parenting


It Starts With

Your Mindset

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  • Children need their parents to teach them how to manage their own feelings

  • The importance of emotional safety for a developing brain

  • How generational parenting patterns contribute to your beliefs


Attachment Styles -

Your Inner Security

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  • Four styles of attachment & how they affect the developing brain

  • How secure attachment helps kids learn emotional regulation

  • How trauma disrupts optimal attachment & future relationships


Getting to Know Your Nervous System

Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

  • Polyvagal Theory: Who’s in charge - the thinking brain or the survival brain?

  • Importance of repair after rupture: the brain learns only when we feel safe

  • Tools for recognizing & regulating the state of the nervous system


When Trauma Persists - Seeing Tigers Everywhere

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  • Faulty neuroception: the body’s response to perceived threat

  • Effects of chronic, persistent stress on the developing brain

  • Post-traumatic growth: Release the version of yourself you became in order to survive


Practicing Mindsight -nonJudgmental Perspective Taking

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  • Identify your limiting beliefs & replace them with empowering ones

  • Be curious, not judgmental: the power of your child feeling seen

  • Building the muscle of mindsight & things that get in the way





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  • Tune in to your own feelings & needs to remain grounded

  • Use your pause button: practicing and modeling self-compassion

  • See & empathize with the feelings & needs that are under your child’s behaviors



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  • Examine your relationship with anger

  • Determine what needs are not being met or what boundaries have been crossed

  • Learn healthy ways to channel aggression


Empowered Communication skills

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  • Goal of connection and mutual understanding without an agenda

  • Freedom from Power-Over or Power-Under


  • Common fears that block communication



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  • Defining what you're willing to do in a situation, not how you will control others

  • Establishing boundaries from shared family values - the why behind the boundary

  • Evolving boundaries as children grow up


Putting It All

Together With PEACE

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  • A disciplinary framework that values connection, collaboration, and the health of the long term relationship with your child

  • Mark steps of progress, catch them being good

  • Use of natural and logical consequences


Individual Coaching Calls

50 min private coaching session with Dr. Juli on Zoom.

Six private coaching sessions during the 12 week course.

Where are you stuck? Bring your parenting question or situation for discussion.

We will dig deep to understand what’s going on, then identify how you want to show up for your child and clarify steps to get you moving toward the parent you want to become


Weekly Individual

Coaching Calls

50 min private coaching session with Dr. Juli on Zoom.

Where are you stuck? Bring your parenting question or situation for discussion.

We will dig deep to understand what’s going on, then identify how you want to show up for your child and clarify steps to get you moving toward the parent you want to become.


Group Coaching Calls

50 min confidential group coaching session with Dr. Juli on Zoom.

Six group coaching sessions during the 12 week course

You can raise your hand for live coaching or to discuss the content.

Community support in a confidential setting is foundational to understanding that you are not alone or broken.

Connection with others on the same journey mitigates trauma.


Group Coaching Calls

50 min confidential group coaching session with Dr. Juli on Zoom.

Six group coaching sessions during the 12 week course

You can raise your hand for live coaching or to discuss the content.

Community support in a confidential setting is foundational to understanding that you are not alone or broken.

Connection with others on the same journey mitigates trauma.

↓↓↓ client experience with dr juli ↓↓↓

We love our children unconditionally. We do everything we can to ensure they grow up to be successful, happy and confident adults. We enroll them in various activities, we encourage their education, we read them books, we do so much.

Out of everything that I’ve ever done, parent coaching may be the single best investment I have done for my children.

There’s no parent handbook, but this comes close to it. We've been brought up in a completely different generation. Perhaps the style that our parents used may not work for this generation. Working with Juli has made me a better parent, a better daughter and a better human. I would highly recommend working with her. Don’t wait, do it now- it’s the best investment you will make. Don’t worry about the age of your children, as this will help across all ages. The work that you do is not just 8 weeks it stays with you the rest of your life.


Working with Dr. Juli completely changed my relationship with my kid, my spouse, and mostly myself for the better. I was an anxious first time parent trying not to eff up my kid. I knew the way I was raised wasn’t the way I wanted to parent and I had started the journey into gentle parenting but authentic parenting takes it all to a whole new level that finally felt right. My 3 year old and I now talk about feelings. I thought potty training would be the death of all of us but now I have better insight into his world (he is terrified of the potty) and I’m now supporting him through the process. It is no longer a huge stressor for our family which I didn’t think was possible.

I feel confident with my parenting style and I have seen it transform my whole family’s lives.

My spouse didn’t take the course, but after a few conversations and my modeling, we now use the same techniques and are on the same page. It has been one of the best things I have ever done and I have recommended it to everyone I know who is a parent. So incredibly grateful to Dr. Juli ❤️.



You are making a commitment to breaking cycles of intergenerational trauma, which involves deeply personal reflection. This process of personal growth is brave and uncomfortable work.  Discussing how you were parented may trigger unpleasant memories, and you may want to quit because of the discomfort. Psychological support often occurs in parallel with coaching to assist with trauma processing when needed.

I am committed as your trauma responsive parent coach to support you and serve as your guide as we discover and nurture your innate strengths and wisdom as a parent. I am not serving in a role as your personal physician or therapist. I do not offer refunds of any monies paid.


Frequently Asked Questions

When will I be able to access the course content?

The Course is currently under revision. Updates will be communicated to those on the mailing list.

When are the weekly group coaching calls?

The Course is currently under revision. Updates will be communicated to those on the mailing list.

How much time will I need to commit each week for the program?

An average of 2 hours each week: 

Group coaching sessions are each 50 minutes

Weekly videos are 20 - 30 minutes

Time spent responding to the included journaling prompts will vary

Individual coaching sessions are 50 minutes, 6 times in the 12 week period

Is this program just for parents with young children?

No! Positive changes in how you show up can benefit your relationship with children of any age - even adult children.

 Is Authentic Parenting the same thing as Permissive Parenting?

Not at all. Permissive Parenting is often viewed as giving all control to the child. Authentic Parenting is centered on relational safety, where the needs of both parent and child are acknowledged. Boundaries are set and communicated in the context of family values, so kids understand the why behind the boundaries.

How is parent coaching different from individual therapy?

Therapy is the most appropriate form of support for processing childhood trauma. A parent coach helps you look at current events with a compassionate understanding of your past, while remaining focused on your future growth as a parent.

How are you different from other parent coaches?

I specialize in helping parents who struggle because their upbringing does not align with how they want to parent. I draw on my professional experience as a pediatrician as well as my own lived experience as a trauma survivor and mother.

Can’t I just learn this all from reading parenting and trauma books?

Your brain can learn when you feel safe but goes offline when you are triggered.  Working with a coach helps you identify and understand your triggers, so you can implement what you learn.

Overcome your history of trauma & transform the way you show up for you own kids.

Overcome your history of trauma & transform the way you show up for you own kids.

The Authentic Parenting Program integrates three key pieces for your brain to rewire:

  • Weekly lessons that build on each other to integrate the latest information on parenting through a trauma responsive lens

  • A skilled coach who can call out your blind spots when you are emotionally deep in the weeds

  • A safe, confidential space to bring your parenting concerns and get support from a group of parents facing similar challenges

With the right support, parents with a history of trauma are able to make significant strides in how they show up for their own kids. - All Rights ReserveD - Terms & Conditions - PRIVACY POLICY